
Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher

Adventages:1,High productivityOn account of the patented combination of higher speed and stroke,which increases the machine‘s power rate and throughput capability, MH Series cone crushers have the highest capacoties for the same size in the indust



1,High productivity
On account of the patented combination of higher speed and stroke,which increases the machine's power rate and throughput capability, MH Series cone crushers have the highest capacoties for the same size in the industry.
2,Good grain shape
The unique interparticle crushing action of MH series cone crushers creates a higher value for your product by providing a more consistent gradation and a superior product shape(cubicity).
3,Less downtime
Dual-acting hydraulic tramp release cylinders mean the MH cone crushers.The large clearing stroke independent of liner wear reduces the effort required to clear a stalled crusher, reducing downtime and increasing sperator confidence. Hydraulic motors rotate the bowl for fine control setting adjustments taht also rotate the bowl completely out of the adjustment ring threads for liner change out, greatly simplifying liner change.
4,Easy maintain
MH cone crushers are easy to disassemble. All components are accessible from the top pr the side.The head and bowl can be removed without upsetting a bolted interference fit.
5,Flexible application
MH cone crushers can be converted from the finest to the coarsest cavity simply by replacing the mantle, bowl liner, adapter ring, and the wedge bolts.
6,Remote control, easy to operate
Using the hydraulic motor setting adjustment with the adjustment under load capability makes it easy to balance the crushing circuit and optimize crusher productivity. The addiction of a hydraulic motor position transducer system to keep tracking of crusher setting is all that's required to connect the crusher to a plant DCS system for full automation applications.

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